Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Comcast job ad hints at wireless ambitions

Comcast Building

There's not much you can learn from a Comcast job ad, but that won't prevent speculation about its entry into the mobile business. The company has posted an advert asking for warm bodies executives to lead the company's push into the "wireless ecosystem." According to the pitch to would-be employees, the job centers around making Kabletown's existing triple-play offerings more mobile friendly, as well as evaluating "potential entries into the wireless ecosystem." Comcast may already have an MVNO agreement with Verizon and Sprint, but FierceCable feels that it's at least plausible that its long-rumored WiFi calling service may finally be coming.

Mobile businesses are sufficiently pricey that cable companies have been looking for cheap ways to get in on the action. This January, Cablevision activated a New York-based mobile offering, Freewheel, that just uses the million plus WiFi hotspots that the company has seeded around the city. Given that the advert specifically mentions Comcast's 22 million internet subscribers -- many of which double as Xfinity hotspots -- as well as 8 million public WiFi points, then it's not hard to see that the idea has some legs.

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Via: Fierce Cable

Source: Comcast

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