There's no denying Apple Pay has grabbed a share of retail payments, and the support of banks, since its arrival. However, it appears both Google and Square are working on new products to keep customers' attention. According to The Information, the folks in Mountain View are testing a service called "Plaso" that would allow Android users to say their initials at the register in order to complete a transaction. Unfortunately, there aren't any specifics on how that would work with Google Wallet: the system for cashless payments that arrived long before Apple Pay, but never really took off. Of course, Google will have to do more with its upcoming release than just handle payments. The Apple Watch is launching soon, and that wearable, along with the newest NFC-equipped iPhones, could sort public transit passes, building security credentials and more.
The report also mentions Square, a company that has lost ground not only to Cupertino's system, but to similar compact credit card readers from the likes of Amazon, PayPal and others. It's said to be working on its own Android tablet for wrangling those financial transactions, offering a standalone device as an alternative to using iPads with Square's retail setup. Those tiny scanner dongles work with both iOS and Android Devices, but the company's current stationary stand reader only plays nice with Apple's slate.
Filed under: Internet, Software, Mobile, Apple, Google
Source: The Information
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