You can add a few more entries to the long list of comic book movies due in the next few years, as Sony Pictures has revealed its plans for the Spider-Man franchise. As suggested in emails leaked during the recent hacking scandal, the studio has worked out an agreement with Marvel and Disney to include Spidey in the Marvel Cinematic Universe which already includes a slew of blockbuster movies, a couple of TV shows and even Netflix's upcoming series. The superhero/photojournalist will appear in an upcoming MCU movie first, then in a standalone flick produced by Sony and departing executive Amy Pascal on June 28, 2017. Sony is keeping its exclusive rights to make Spider-Man flicks, but now it can dip into the popularity of the MCU series and what Marvel has achieved there (other Marvel characters can also cross into the Spider-Man series now), while fans can finally see the character pop up in stories on the big screen the same way he has in the comics.
[Image credit: Disney XD via Getty Images]
Filed under: Home Entertainment, HD
Source: Marvel
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