Monday, February 9, 2015

Netflix in Cuba costs a third of the average monthly wage

Two months after the United States renewed diplomatic ties with Cuba, Netflix is planting a flag on the island. A subscription requires an internet connection and starts at $8, the same as in the US and even across Latin America, where Netflix counts 5 million members since 2011. However, these requirements may limit Netflix's reach in Cuba: About five percent of residents have internet access, and the average monthly wage was just $20 in 2013. Additionally, Cuba's internet infrastructure is growing, but it's still a luxury for many residents. In January, the country's state-owned telecom, ETECSA, launched the first public WiFi facility in Santiago de Cuba, charging $4.50 an hour -- and that's for those who already own WiFi-capable devices. Hopefully Netflix isn't banking on Cuba to boost its subscription numbers too much.

[Image credit: Phil Guest, Flickr]

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Source: Netflix

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