Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Nike's SNKRS app puts a shoe store in your pocket

It may be hard for Nike to steal some of Adidas' current thunder, what with the upcoming release of Kanye West's highly anticipated Yeezy Boost and all. Still, those of you who are Nike die-hards will be over the moon when you see the company's most recent venture: SNKRS, an app that brings the ultimate shoe shop right to your smartphone. If you're used to ordering from Nike's website, the SNKRS application is set to make you feel right at home, but here, the content is, as expected, much easier to access. Like placing an order, for instance, which only takes a couple of taps to get through the checkout process and have the sneakers on the way to your doorstep -- as a bonus, everything within the app ships free via ground method.

Furthermore, what's great about the app is that it is tailored for you. So, once you sign in with your Nike account, you can tell it what styles you're into and it will use that information to curate its content. For example, the My Feed section shows you what sneakers you might like and, from there, you can tap to buy or, if they're not released yet, you can tell it to notify you when they become available, whether it be via email or by way of push notifications on your handset. The Discover tab, meanwhile, always displays what styles are new or "hot"; this way you don't miss out on those that don't show up on your customized feed. You can also click on the different styles and releases to learn more about their design, as well as see extra images and share those via Twitter, Facebook and other social networks.

Nike's quick to point out that SNKRS isn't a reservations app, but rather quicker way to access its fresh and future stock -- and it'll come in very handy for people who wake up early Saturday mornings to get in on the new releases, as this is going to simplify the overall course of purchasing sneakers. At the moment, the application is only available for iOS, but we're told that an Android version is coming later this spring. And while you can download this on your iPhone right now, you won't be able to access it until March. That is, unless you happen to be in NYC, where Nike has set up a pop-up store at the corner of Bowery and Great Jones Street and is using it to hand out login codes to folks who stop by February 12th to the 15th.



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