Tuesday, February 10, 2015

US launching a new cyberwarfare agency in wake of Sony attacks

We already have the NSA, FBI, DHS and NCTC, but the White House feels that we're still an acronym-heavy department short in the cyber warfare stakes. That's why, later today, the president's counterterrorism chief will announce a new outfit that's designed to protect America from digital aggressors. It's been set up in the fallout from the Sony Pictures and JPMorgan hacks, after President Obama pledged to beef up America's digital security in his most recent state of the union address.

In the aftermath of 9/11, researchers believed that the security services' reticence to share data between them was one of the reasons the attacks weren't prevented. According to the Washington Post , that's why the new Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center will sit between these agencies, pooling their cyber warfare data in a single place. That way, the next time an attack is mounted, those who need to make decisions will have a full picture in their minds.

The paper goes on to report that, in the aftermath of the Sony hack, that the FBI, NSA and CIA all drew separate conclusions rather than providing a single, cohesive response. It was, apparently, the final straw which prompted the formation of this new agency to create unified analysis. The CTIIC will launch with a staff of around 50 and a budget of around $35 million a year, and will resist the urge to conduct any surveillance work itself. Quick, someone tell CBS that there's a new government department that's ripe for a crime-based procedural drama... oh.

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Source: Washington Post


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