If you were still picking sides following the launch of HTC's One M9 and the Samsung Galaxy S6, there's now a bit more to work with. Retailer B&H Electronics has (accidentally?) revealed that a 32GB flavor of the HTC One M9 will start shipping on March 25th for $649, the same price leaked earlier by Best Buy. That's also the exact same price (and release date) as last year's look-alike model and a good chunk less than Samsung's Galaxy S6 is expected to cost. That said, you'll also need to weigh factors like Exynos versus Snapdragon CPUs, and all-metal versus glass-and-metal designs. We're not sure yet if the listing is premature, but we wouldn't count on the final pricing or date without official word from HTC.
Filed under: Cellphones, Mobile, HTC
Via: Phone Arena
Source: B&H
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