Sunday, March 1, 2015

Live from Samsung's Galaxy Unpacked event at MWC!

The moment we heard that Samsung was throwing a "Galaxy Unpacked" event at Mobile World Congress, we knew it had to be launching the Galaxy S6. And, according to the many leaks that are already circulating on the internet, we're probably right. Still, it's always worth attending the actual event itself -- Samsung's been known to offer up a surprise or two and besides, the company sometimes puts up quite an entertaining show. So join us, won't you, for our liveblog starting right here at 12:30pm ET.

Hello everyone! Welcome to our liveblog of the Samsung Unpacked event here at Mobile World Congress!

I'll be here writing the words, Aaron Souppouris is here to help out with color commentary and so forth, and Edgar Alvarez is on photos.

The event is starting in about 10 minutes, so stay tuned! We're still working on getting photos up.

We're being treated to a video trailer of sorts, with sexy shots of dripping... metal? Glass? I'm not sure.

Also, there's the occasional ominous voiceover that says "I am the Next Galaxy" over and over.

There's also a disclaimer popping up that the presentation here is owned by Samsung and that if we copy it we'll all be hunted and stalked forever. Well, not really, but there's a lot of legalese under it that I'm sure is threatening.

Little inside info: All the press tables here have wired Ethernet, which is great, as the WiFi at these events are notoriously horrible.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the show is about to begin, please take your seats." There's that disembodied voice again.

And it's starting. The room has darkened, a scary sound is playing, and there's a light flashing across the screen.

We see an outline of... a phone? Is it?

A flash of light explodes, and a female voice emanates. "Tomorrow. Metals will flow. Beauty will be powerful." Okay there, sister.

"Colors will live." A shutter appears on the display, and the whole room lights up, with, yes, some stage fog.

Younghee Lee, Samsung's marketing officer, is on stage.

"Let's get ready to unveil the next Galaxy." And she introduces Samsung's JK Chin to the stage.

"Today, we unveil what's next. These products are a result of a simple philosophy. This is what makes Samsung the leading company in the world."

"I may not be a great public speaker. That's because my first language is engineering." This causes some laughs in the crowd, and then applause.

The words "Relentless" and "Innovation" flash on the screen.

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