Saturday, March 7, 2015

Recommended Reading: Exploring the vastness of 'No Man's Sky'

Recommended Reading highlights the best long-form writing on technology and more in print and on the web. Some weeks, you'll also find short reviews of books that we think are worth your time. We hope you enjoy the read.

'No Man's Sky' is so Big, the Developers Built Space Probes to Explore it for Them

by Dave Tach


Our own Ben Gilbert was quite smitten with No Man's Sky back at E3 2014, and Hello Games delivered more info on the PS4 title at this week's GDC. One of the most interesting bits? The game is so big that devs had to build space probes to examine its landscape. Only the game's designers will ever see the machines, but they're tasked with zooming around the title's 18 quintillion worlds shooting video footage of what they encounter.

How Long can a Spinoff like 'Better Call Saul' Last?

Saul Austerlitz, FiveThirtyEight

Spinoffs of popular TV series usually don't last long. There are some exceptions, of course, but for the most part, the allure of tacking on a new show doesn't last long. FiveThrityEight's Saul Austerlitz examines the chances for Better Call Saul.

Among Friends: How Naughty Dog Built 'Uncharted 2'

by Richard Leadbetter, Eurogamer

GDC 2015 went down in San Francisco this week, and Eurogamer dug into its archives for this look at one of the most popular last-gen titles. If you're a fan of Uncharted 2, you'll certainly want to give this piece a look.

Apple's New Job: Selling a Smartwatch to an Uninterested Public

by Brian X. Chen, The New York Times

We've only seen glimpses of the Apple Watch up to this point, but Monday, the folks in Cupertino are expected to give the wearable its proper debut. While Apple's products are quite popular, smartwatches haven't attracted the masses.

'Nas: Time is Illmatic'

directed by One9

Sure, this is actually Recommended Viewing, but the documentary chronicles events surrounding the making of Nas' 1994 debut album Illmatic. Fans of hip-hop, and music in general, will want to spend a little over 45 minutes taking this in.

[Photo credit: Hello Games]

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