Cricket Wireless wants you to continue using its prepaid services, even if you can't exactly afford paying up front for the phone you're eyeing. The company now offers new payment plans for devices worth $200 or more, including Samsung's upcoming Galaxy S6. The first two tiers finance your device (after a standard credit bureau check, that is), so long as you make an initial loan payment of $20. Tier 1 allows you to pay for your loan within 24 months with zero interest, while tier 2 offers a "six-month deferred interest offer and 29.99% APR for an 18 month term." That means you don't incur interest, but only if you pay within six months
The final tier, however, doesn't require a credit check. This option's considered rent-to-own -- just pay $50 up front, and then pay the rest in installments over 90 days. You'll have shorter time to fulfill the whole amount, but it sounds like the most painless choice if you've got a bit more money to spare and no desire to lock yourself into a 24-month contract. Finally, in case you're tired of Sprint, T-Mobile or whatever carrier you're with, Cricket is offering customers who transfer a free month. Unfortunately, you'll only get the freebie after two months of service worth at least $50, and you can't take advantage of it if you're coming from AT&T.
Filed under: Cellphones, Mobile, Samsung
Source: Cricket Wireless
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