Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Daily Roundup: Setting up a 100-inch projector, 'Rock Band 4' news and more!

Welcome to the Daily Roundup. What is it like to setup a 100-inch projector inside your apartment? Meanwhile, Rock Band 4 will be co-published by a hardware company and a Darknet-shopping bot was finally released after getting caught purchasing drugs. All the stories and more can be found below.

How I fitted an 100-inch projector setup in my NYC apartment

You could call me a bit of a movie fan. I own hundreds of Blu-rays and DVDs, see an obscene amount of movies in theaters and have been podcasting about my obsessive media habits for the past eight years. Movies aren't just mindless fun for me: they're a way of life, a religion. So it was only a matter of time until my 50-inch plasma HDTV started to feel too small and the siren song of an in-home projector came calling.

Rock Band 4 will be co-published by hardware company Mad Catz

Rock Band creator Harmonix is bringing a roadie along for this year's release of Rock Band 4 -- Mad Catz, the peripheral manufacturer, which will co-publish the game on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Mad Catz is in charge of making all of the wireless instruments in Rock Band 4, but as a co-publisher the company will also lead global sales, promotions and distribution, Global PR Director Alex Verrey says.

The Darknet-shopping robot has been released by Swiss police

After spending a couple months in Swiss robot prison, the Random Darknet Shopper (RDS) is once again free to purchase random goods from the deepest corners of the Internet. The robot, originally designed as an art installation, was built to navigate the Darknet and autonomously purchase goods using Bitcoin currency. During its three-month run at Kunst Halle St Gallen art gallery in St. Gallen, Switzerland, the Shopper made a variety of purchases, most of which were completely legal.

Scientists can build an early-warning system for trolls

Almost every website with comments suffers from trolls, people who like to spout obnoxious and irrational gibberish just to offend others. Since you can't just ask people to behave like human beings, a lot of time and effort is spent monitoring and policing this idiocy. Thankfully, the internet's long national nightmare may now be at an end after researchers from Stanford and Cornell developed an early warning system for trolls.

YouTube app will stop working on older smart TVs and iOS devices

If you own a smart TV or an iOS device that's getting a bit long in the tooth, you may need to do some upgrading this week if you want to continue using the YouTube app. Due to certain changes in the app's API, it'll no longer work on a number of models released in 2012 or earlier, including second-generation Apple TVs, Panasonic TVs, Sony TVs and Blu-ray players, as well as devices running Google TV versions 1 or 2. You'll know you're affected if a video showing the notice above plays upon firing up the app, though most models released in 2013 or later are safe.

Google wants you to download your web search history

Wondering what you were searching for online a few years ago? You now have a (relatively) easy way to find out. Google has quietly trotted out an option to download your entire search history. So long as you searched using your Google account, you'll have a permanent record. Of course, this is something of a mixed blessing given how pervasive Google is at this stage. While the archive may help you dig up a keyword you're struggling to remember, something tells us that it'd be all too easy to dredge up embarrassing memories -- we hope you didn't Google your classroom crush.

Google offers armchair monster hunters the chance to explore Loch Ness

For decades, people have searched for signs of "Nessie" in the murky depths of Loch Ness. Photos and videos have emerged over the years alongside supposed sightings, but they've ultimately failed to prove the mythical beast's existence. Is Nessie fact or fiction? Regardless of where you stand, Google is making it simpler to explore the freshwater loch yourself. The company has captured the giant lake with 360-degree panoramas and uploaded them all to Google Maps Street View. It's a beautiful place, and while you're unlikely to find Nessie lurking in the shallows, there's no harm in looking, right?

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