Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Jawbone and AmEx want you to pay for stuff with your fitness band

If you're looking to get a little more mileage out of that fitness tracker, Jawbone and American Express are about to lend a hand. The duo is teaming up to bring a payment feature to the former company's line of gadgets. Of course, Apple's new wearable sorts payments too, and now a similar function will be on an upcoming Jawbone device. This means that the Up3 that's set to ship next week won't help you pay for a burrito, and neither will it's predecessors. Instead, the collaboration with AmEx will arrive on wearable that we've yet to hear about, so it's unclear if it'll be another band or a smartwatch. If your go-to credit or debit card is Visa or MasterCard, there's no indication if Jawbone's mystery tech will handle payments from those either. However, when it does arrive, it'll wrangle those payments via NFC -- just like the Apple Watch.

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Source: Wall Stree Journal

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