Dish's Sling TV streaming service got its first big stress test during the NCAA's Final Four games this weekend... and, well, it didn't cope gracefully. The company has apologized after Sling TV buckled during the college basketball semifinals, producing errors and otherwise keeping many people from following the action. Reportedly, a combo of "extreme sign-ups and streaming" triggered the meltdown -- Dish wasn't prepared for the flood of new customers, and had to juggle the load across its networking partners to get things back to normal. That's an auspicious sign for Sling TV's future (there's clearly a lot of demand for live sports online), but let's hope that it's better prepared for the next big wave of cord cutters.
[Image credit: Chris Steppig/Getty Images]
Filed under: Home Entertainment, Internet, HD
Via: Wall Street Journal
Source: Sling Answers (Twitter)
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