Paying $15 a month for HBO Now is a pretty good deal, especially if you're a cord cutter who yearns for your weekly fix of Game of Thrones. But what if even that price is a little too rich for your blood? Well, HBO could be considering prepaid discounts that would lower that subscription cost by a significant amount. The folks over at Cut Cable Today discovered through a HBO survey that the premium cable network is asking some survey participants if they would consider three-month, six-month and one-year subscriptions for $29.99, $59.99 and $99.99 each. If you went for that annual $99.99 option, for example, you would only pay somewhere around $8.33 a month, which is a savings of around $80 a year. This would likely Of course, these options only appeared in a survey, so who knows if HBO will actually implement this. But wouldn't it be great if it did?
Source: Cut Cable Today
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