Saturday, July 19, 2014

Feedback Loop: Crowdfunding perils, dying passwords, cameras and more!

It's time for the latest edition of Feedback Loop! We discuss the dark and sometimes disappointing side of crowdfunding, ponder whether passwords are dying, look for point-and-shoot camera suggestions, share the cheapest ways to get HBO and talk about overly hyped gadgets. Head past the break to talk about all this and more with your fellow Engadget readers.

The perils of crowdfunding

For every great product that comes out of crowdfunding sites like Indiegogo or Kickstarter, it seems there's an conversely horrible story about something that never shipped or lived up to expectations. Our own John Colucci discusses the darker side of this phenomenon and readers chimed in to share their own experiences. Do you have any crazy Kickstarter stories to tell?

Is the password really dying?

After enabling two-factor authentication on his personal Twitter account, a Wall Street Journal reporter shared his password with the public. He argues that "the password is finally dying." Is he crazy? We discuss whether this is actually the case. Are passwords really dying? And what happens to two-factor authentication when you share one of your factors? Head over to the forums and sound off!

Point-and-shoot camera suggestions

Engadget forums user Baileylo recently welcomed a new member to his family. Congrats, Logan! He's looking for a new camera to properly capture those special moments. What's a good point-and-shoot under $500 that can work in a variety of lighting situations? Let him know!

What's the cheapest way to get HBO?

HBO is basically the Holy grail of premium cable TV. Everyone wants it, but not everyone wants to pay for all the packages needed to get it. Is it possible to get access to HBO without subscribing to a ton of unnecessary channels? Or are we stuck sharing our parents' HBO Go access? Share your tips and tricks right here.

Over-hyped gadget sightings

There have been a number of gadgets that have received tons of hype and press, only to end up forgotten and unloved. Things like the Microsoft Kin One, the Kin Two, the Nexus Q and even more recent examples like the Lytro and Samsung Galaxy Gear. Frank talks about seeing some of these "gadget unicorns" out in the wild. What are some surprising and unloved gadgets you've seen when you've been out and about?

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That's all this week! Want to talk about your favorite gadget or have a burning question about technology? Register for an Engadget account today, visit the Engadget forums and start a new discussion!


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