Saturday, July 19, 2014

The curated video service from TiVo's founders, Qplay, is shutting down

TiVo's co-founders launched their Qplay service in hopes of becoming the central hub for all your online video viewing. Unfortunately, it looks like that media utopia wasn't meant to be. Just three months after its official debut, Qplay has revealed that it's shutting down; it's "not possible" to run the service any longer, the team says. You'll have until July 25th to get your fill of content, and you can get a refund for the TV adapter if you make a request before that cut-off date. The company isn't commenting on the exact reasons behind the closure, but this is certainly going to catch some internet video aficionados off-guard. If you're one of them, you'll have to turn to discovery services like Showyou to get a similar fix.

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Source: Qplay

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