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What better way to celebrate Pi Day than with Darren Aronofsky's 1998 film. If you haven't seen it, it's really quite good. The movie chronicles a number theorist who obsesses over numbers in an attempt to decode a pattern behind the stock market. I won't divulge any more info, but if you're looking for some weekend viewing, give this a shot. Oh, and here are a million digits of Pi.
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Your Life in Pi Does everything that ever has or ever will exist appear somewhere in the string of non-repeating numbers that is Pi? Yes, and no... well, probably. | The Darren Aronofsky Retrospective: 'Pi' Want to read up on Aronofsky's math-focused thriller? Here's a good place to start. |
What is Pi, and How did it Originate? Where did Pi come from anyway? Leave it to college mathematics instructor Steven Bogart to explain the origins. | Top 5 American Classic Pies for Pi Day All that math talk making you hungry? Well, why not have a slice of pie to celebrate Pi Day. Serious Eats has a list of the top choices, but I'd suggest the Strawberry Rhubarb. |
[Photo credit: Artisan Entertainment]
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